Crepes stuffed with zuccini from our garden

I think zucchini is the vegetable that I liked to grow in my small garden. The flowers are beautiful and can be eaten, although what really turns out to be “rich, rich” are the fruits: those large and juicy zucchini that are easily obtained. Although I was overwhelmed at first when I saw that the flowers withered without fruiting.

Since I thought that there were not enough pollinators in my garden, I started by using the manual method and dedicated myself to bringing pollen from male to female flowers. But in reality, it was a matter of time and a few days later, the plants began to produce zucchini without my intervention.

Today I bring you a recipe to take advantage of those tasty zucchini. Some crepes I tried this summer in a restaurant and signed up to prepare them at home. Maybe he was more seasoned than mine because in detail I don’t know if he had any “secret” ingredients. But I made it very basic and it came out very good.

The first thing you have to do is prepare some crepes with your favorite recipe, such as Arguiñano, for example. We are going to make two crepes, but the big size. I used the 24 cm pan.

For the filling you need:

  • 2 leeks
  • 1 zucchini
  • Goat cheese
  • Oil
  • Salt

Clean, cut the leeks into thin slices and pour them a little salt. Put them to poach in a pan with a splash of oil. Cut the zucchini into slices divided into quarters and add them. Leave them for a while until they release the juice and become soft.

Drain the vegetables and let them temper.

Place half of the vegetable mixture and 2 or 3 slices of cabara cheese (depending on size) in the center of each crepe . Close the crepes and enjoy!

I love this recipe, and although now I don’t have zucchini in my garden, as soon as I have it again, I repeat. And if you don’t have your own harvest, you can also try the super ones.

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