Succulent rose-shaped

The succulents are a fascinating group is distinguished by specialized organs that retain water in much higher quantities than all other vegetables. In most of them, it is the leaves that store the liquid element, giving rise to plants with very varied shapes. Although there are many succulent rosette-shaped plants, the green via resembles a rose more than any other. This is due to the peculiar arrangement of its leaves, curved and superimposed on each other.

How is Greenovia do rentals

This succulent rose-shaped belongs to the Crassulaceae family and is endemic to the Canary Islands, where it lives in volcanic terrain. Other species of green can be found in Madeira, Morocco and East Africa, all of them in danger of extinction due to the collection and tourist activities. They are small plants and difficult to find for sale. So you know: if you get one, make sure you know how to grow green via so you don’t fail in your care and get the plant to thrive. We walk in it, but for now, we only find the plant in seeds.

Experts say that green via is a sun-loving plant. On the other hand, I have also read that they have a kinship with Aeoniums. If so, even if they like the light of the star king, they certainly do not carry very well the strong summer sun in climates as dry as the Mediterranean. At least this is my experience with the Aeoniums. Greenovia plants are small in size, not raising more than 15 cm tall when they are adults. The leaves are greenish with gray shades and some pink tint at the edges. As the succulent grows, the older petals open and develop a soft sandy tone.

Care Greenovia drodentalis

Light and temperature

We must place our Greenovia drodentalis plant in a warm and well-lit place. Ideally, you should receive a few hours of the morning sun, avoiding the central hours of the day and afternoon if the weather is very hot and dry. This succulent can be grown indoors, especially in very cold places since the plant does not tolerate temperatures below 0ºC.


Like all succulents, the green via needs a sandy substrate where the water drains quickly and the roots do not remain long flooded. Nor is it necessary to be very rich soil. It is not difficult to prepare a good soil for succulent plants, but if you do not feel capable or find it more comfortable, you can find the substrate for cacti and succulents already prepared.


Watering a succulent plant, like any other plant, depends a lot on the climate and the place where the plant is located. As a general rule, it is enough to water the greenovia once or twice a month in winter. The rest of the year you have to do it more often, maybe even twice a week in summer. To give proper irrigation to this or any other crass you have, I recommend you read these two articles:

Plagues and diseases

Be very careful with fungi, if they are installed in the plant it is very difficult to eradicate them and soon destroy it. They appear when there is a perfect combination of humidity and high temperatures, so it is very important to control irrigation.

Other diseases are not common, some insect may attack the plant eventually. In that case, the most indicated is to manually eliminate that insect or the entire leaf if it is very affected.

Greenovia reproduction

Ripe greenovia plants can bloom, although they do so rarely. It is a succulent monocarpic that after producing the flower and its seeds dies. Seeds can be collected to reproduce the plant, but it will take years until the new plant is identifiable. The seeds are sown in a shallow tray, irrigated by spraying water on them and transferred to a larger container when some leaves are already distinguished. The earth must be sandy and drain very well.

Over time, children are formed at the base that can be separated from the mother to reproduce. A much faster way to get a new copy. They should always be planted in clean soil and can be treated as an adult plant.

You know: if you get someone who grows greenovias to give you a cut, perfect! I encourage you to take care of your little plant and share it with others when you get it to reproduce. But never pick plants from nature because they are a very punished species that already sees very little in its natural environment.

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