Almond tree pruning

Almond tree pruning is a task that encourages the production of good quality fruit and helps this beautiful pink flower tree to develop a good aerial structure. If we do not do the pruning or we can incorrectly, the almond tree grows out of control producing unproductive pacifiers and intertwined branches that make it difficult to collect the almond. In this post, we tell you how an almond tree is when to prune it and, above all, how to do it.

How is the almond tree and why it is necessary to prune it

The almond tree is a deciduous fruit tree that is usually grown for its fruit, the almond. The flowering, early, occurs between January and April, fruiting between August and October, at which time we can collect the precious almonds.

Almond trees can reach up to 10 meters high and pruning can be somewhat complicated for an amateur. In this post, we will try to help you to make this task “prune and sing”.

When should I prune my almond tree

The almond tree is a deciduous tree that resumes its vegetative growth when winter ends and temperatures rise to 15ºC. Dates may vary by weather region.

The moment when the almond tree has to be pruned is between the beginning of autumn and the end of winter, once all the leaves have fallen.

Types of almond pruning

Depending on the purpose of pruning or the stage in which our almond tree is found, a different pruning must be done.

When our tree is large, pruning can get complicated. Personally, I recommend that to prune an almond tree or any other tree, when it is large, contact experts in the field. In my case, every time I have to prune, I leave it to a gardening team. In all cities, there are qualified people, and if you have to prune almond trees or other trees, call a team of professionals like Pruning in height in A Coruña, so you do not take risks and you will get a better result than doing it yourself.

Training pruning

This pruning is the most important since it is what marks the future of our almond tree since it is done to give it shape. As it is an important pruning, I will explain how to do it depending on the age of your tree.

Year 1: From the first year we have to trim all the branches so that lower branches sprout. In its first winter, we must trim our little almond tree to a height of approximately 1 meter. The almond tree will have 3 or 4 main branches, which we must cut 2 yolks above and 1 yolk below.

Year 2: In the second year we must trim the main branches 1/3 of their length. The lower branches should be left untouched, while those born from the lower half of the almond tree should be cut.

Year 3: As in year 2, we must cut the main branches 2/3 of its length. The branches that are born into the tree must be cut.

Year 4 onwards: From here, we must keep our almond tree in a good way, remembering the branches that grow too much.

Fruiting Pruning

This pruning is based on keeping the secondary branches productive, for this, you just have to remove the pacifiers and trim the branches that we seem weak or that are growing too much.

Pruning Restoration

This pruning is used to recover a tree that is sick or has not been well pruned. This pruning is done at the beginning of winters and is based on leaving only the main branches with a length of half a meter.

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